The Lisintec is a company that operates in the trade market and installation of security and communications systems.

The Lisintec is a company with a valid VAT number in the VIES.
If you wish to purchase through a company with valid VAT number in the VIES, please contact us before buying to avoid paying VAT.
Important note:
The invoice will be issued and sent to the registered address in VIES.

Company Identification:

Lisintec - Equipamentos de Segurança Lda

NIPC/VAT: 513206167 CAE: 80200 Rev.3 - 47910 Rev.3 - 47420 Rev.3

Headquarters: Rua Nuno Tristão, 13 B
                        2830-095 Barreiro Portugal

Tel.:              214036368 - 913909494




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